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Events & Speaking Engagements

6:00 PM18:00

Opening Keynote Lecture: Leonard Cohen As I Knew Him –– Leonard Cohen at MAC – Max and Iris Stern International Symposium 12 TICKETS

Opening Keynote Lecture: The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson – Leonard Cohen As I Knew Him


By turns a poet, novelist, songwriter, singer and even Buddhist monk, Leonard Cohen left behind a protean body of work, spanning more than six decades, that has continually fascinated audiences and for many remains a source of inspiration today.

For the twelfth Max and Iris Stern International Symposium, a gathering of cultural historians and museum professionals will present the latest research on the life and work of this seminal artist, while also investigating the dialogue between Cohen’s aesthetic legacy and contemporary art, as addressed in the exhibition Une brèche en toute chose / A Crack in Everything

The discussions will further tackle the broader issue of the links that have been drawn between pop music and contemporary art in other recent exhibitions, and examine the challenges this phenomenon poses for museology (dialogues between disciplines, genres and media, audience representation, institutional economics, new technologies and mediation of content)

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to Sep 27

6 Degrees Citizen Space 2017

  • Google Calendar ICS

6 Degrees is three days and three nights of culture, debate and dialogue about inclusion and citizenship in the 21st century. For more information and the event programme, please visit


6 Degrees drives a global conversation on citizenship and inclusion. The Canadian initiative is at once an immersive annual three-day event in Toronto, a series of one-day sessions across the globe, and a digital space where ideas and experiences are continuously shared. 6 Degrees is about connection, conversation, artistic representation and the power that comes from bringing engaged people together. It counters rising nativism and exclusion, and instead, invites everyone to find a place in our circle. 6 Degrees breaks down barriers and brings together authors and activists, artists and academics to think out loud and reframe the debate over inclusion and active citizenship.

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12:30 PM12:30

Art for Tomorrow: Boundaries, Identity and the Public Realm

Culture, Citizenship, and Belonging

A powerful panel of national and civic leaders discuss how museums and culture play a key role in establishing and understanding of nationhood and civic identity, and the relations between nations.

The Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson, 26th Governor General of Canada (1999-2005), Co-Chair, Institute for Canadian Citizenship
Georgios Kaminis, Mayor of Athens
Irina Bokova, Director General, Unesco

Roger Cohen, Op-Ed Columnist, The New York Times

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to Sep 21

6 Degrees Citizen Space

6 Degrees is two days and three nights of culture, debate and dialogue about inclusion and citizenship in the 21st century. For more information and the event programme, please visit

Letter from the Co-Chairs of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship

We founded the ICC in 2006 with a simple idea: make sure that new citizens feel welcome and become engaged Canadians. Our programming speaks for itself – our unique Cultural Access Pass, cutting-edge citizenship ceremonies, and our intrepid insights program, which asks those new citizens how they feel about their lives.

From the start, we’ve encouraged conversations and influenced thinking around inclusion and citizenship.

Is there an issue more globally urgent than finding ways to create truly inclusive societies? In so many places, and in the minds of so many people, this ambition now seems unattainable. The ICC disagrees. With our 10th anniversary coming up in 2016, we believe it’s time to lend our voice, with passion and authority, to the discussion. It’s time for a public platform that explores inclusion in the 21st century, and does so with the belief that progress is not only possible but necessary. It’s time for 6 Degrees.

6 Degrees is for all citizens – whether they be in business, government, arts and culture or civil society – who want crucial issues raised and practical solutions proposed. Our methods are bold and unorthodox and our outcomes involve concrete actions. You haven’t seen anything like it before.

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6:00 PM18:00

An Evening With The Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson

Join House of Friendship, The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, the University of Waterloo for an evening with The Right Honourable, Adrienne Clarkson on Wednesday May 25, 2016, at the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo.  Mme. Clarkson will discuss the importance of Belonging in shaping today’s society. Expanding on her highly successful Massey Hall Lecture series and book, Belonging – The Paradox of Citizenship, Mme. Clarkson’s lecture will be followed by a question and answer period.

This event is free, accessible and open to the public. All are welcome.

Copies of Mme. Clarkson’s book, Belonging – The Paradox of Citizenship will be available for purchase before and following the lecture.

Doors Open | 5:30 p.m.

Lecture | 6:15 p.m.

Book Signing | 7:30 p.m.

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5:30 PM17:30

Ottawa Peace Talks 2016

Ottawa Peace Talks 2016: Let’s build peace through diversity

Organized under the theme “Let’s build peace through diversity”, the Ottawa Peace Talks aims to inspire reflection and discussion about how respect for diversity can promote more peaceful societies through inclusion, both in Canada and globally.

This event marks the first time the Peace Talks are held in Canada. Speakers coming from diverse backgrounds will share their personal experiences, stories and ideas to highlight the importance of building peace through broad and diverse participation.  The Ottawa Peace Talks will also look at the role of individual Canadians, and Canada as a whole, to support greater inclusion for peace at home and at the global level.

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10:00 AM10:00

LaFontaine-Baldwin Symposium 2015: Naheed Nenshi

The Institute for Canadian Citizenship has selected Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi as our 13th LaFontaine-Baldwin Symposium speaker, co-presented with the Stratford Festival. Nenshi will share his thoughts on citizenship and the importance of inclusion this Fall.

An exclusive opportunity to participate in the ICC’s efforts to build the national conversation on citizenship and inclusion. Listen to Nenshi’s passionate ideas and then add your voice to the post-lecture roundtable discussions with Nenshi and ICC leaders — John Ralston Saul, Adrienne Clarkson and Charlie Foran.

13th LaFontaine-Baldwin Symposium lecture by Naheed Nenshi 
10-11:30 a.m. | Avon Theatre | $25 (HST included)

Symposium Roundtable Discussion hosted by Nenshi, Saul, Clarkson & Foran
12 – 1:45 p.m. | Avon Theatre Rehearsal Hall #1 | $40
Light lunch will be served.

Tickets available here.

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