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LaFontaine-Baldwin Symposium 2015: Naheed Nenshi

  • Avon Theatre Stratford Canada (map)

The Institute for Canadian Citizenship has selected Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi as our 13th LaFontaine-Baldwin Symposium speaker, co-presented with the Stratford Festival. Nenshi will share his thoughts on citizenship and the importance of inclusion this Fall.

An exclusive opportunity to participate in the ICC’s efforts to build the national conversation on citizenship and inclusion. Listen to Nenshi’s passionate ideas and then add your voice to the post-lecture roundtable discussions with Nenshi and ICC leaders — John Ralston Saul, Adrienne Clarkson and Charlie Foran.

13th LaFontaine-Baldwin Symposium lecture by Naheed Nenshi 
10-11:30 a.m. | Avon Theatre | $25 (HST included)

Symposium Roundtable Discussion hosted by Nenshi, Saul, Clarkson & Foran
12 – 1:45 p.m. | Avon Theatre Rehearsal Hall #1 | $40
Light lunch will be served.

Tickets available here.